Yo! Welcome to my devblog.

Who am I

I’m just a programer with a CS degree. I’m working as full-time OSS contributor with Bitcoin related projects, with the support of Vinteum.

Currently, I’m working with Rust, C, C++, but I have experience with Python, Java, Javascript, Typescript, C#, PHP, and others. I have some experience with Machine Learning and Data Science, including some work with Computer Aided Diagnosis, precision agriculture and general image processing.

I also love Linux, and I’m a big fan of Arch Linux, having used it as my main OS for the last 8 years. I love systems that let you customize everything, and that can run on a toaster (even though my computer isn’t that bad). Expect some posts about Linux and Arch Linux here.

What is this blog about

I’m no sure yer. A little of everything, I guess. Some fun stuff I learn, some tutorials, some rants, some opinions, some random stuff. Mostly about programming, but I might write about other stuff too.

How to contact me

You can find contact information on this page’s footer. I’m not on many social medias, but I’m on twitter, github, email and IRC. If you plan to send me spicy memes, here’s my PGP key

My projects

I’m currently working on the following projects as my main focus:

  • Floresta: A Bitcoin full node implementation and tools written in Rust, using Utreexo to create lighweight and simple nodes.
  • Rustreexo: A Rust implementation of Utreexo, a dynamic accumulator for Bitcoin.
  • BIP324: A proposal for a new P2P layer with encryption and opportunistic authentication for Bitcoin. I’m not working on the implementation, but I’m helping reviewing code and helping the effort to integrate it with Rust Bitcoin.

What I’m learning

I’m currently learning the following topics:

  • Compiler design and implementation. I’m reading the book Crafting Interpreters. I program for a while now, and compilers are a topic that I always wanted to learn more about, but never had the time and energy to do so. I’m really enjoying the book.
  • Cryptography. This one is something that I’m always learning, I have a good background in day-to-day cryptography, but I’m always learning more about it. The topic that is getting my attention right now is Zero Knowledge Proofs, I’m reading the paper for one proving system, Groth-16, and perhaps I’ll implement it sometime.
  • Rust. I’m always learning more about Rust, it’s a language that I really like, and I’m always trying to improve my skills with it. This is also true for C, a language that I really like and I’m always trying to improve my skills with it. I don’t know why I like C (but not C++), but I do.
  • Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a major rabbit hole, you always have something new to learn and explore. It has a vast ecosystem and infinite possibilities.
  • Linux. I’m a Linux user for a while now, but I’m always learning more about it. I’m also learning more about the Linux kernel, and I’m planning to contribute to it sometime.
  • NeoVim. I used Vim in the past(as main editor), but I’m trying to learn more about NeoVim, and I’m using it as my main editor, and the experience is quite nice. I’m also learning more about the Lua programming language, since NeoVim uses it as a scripting language - and Lua is from Brazil, like me :)
  • Neuromorphic Computing. When I heard about this topic, it was love at first sight. Digital is great, but it have many limitations, specially when it comes to energy efficiency. Neuromorphic computing is a new paradigm that tries to mimic the brain, and it’s a very interesting topic.
  • Hardware in general. I’m always learning more about hardware, specially about CPUs and GPUs. I’m also learning more about FPGAs. The first industry I ever liked and wanted to work with was the hardware industry, more specifically, the semiconductor industry. I’m always learning more about it. OSS PDA and PDKs, as well as open source hardware, are also topics that I follow closely.

This domain

It may seen a bit comic that this blog is hosted on a .lol domain. The reason is simple, it was the cheapest one when I bough it, I’m a cheap person. I’m also a bit of a troll, so it fits me well.


Just for the lols, here are some suggestions by Copilot while I was writing this page:

In this section

I'm not sure yet. I'm planning to write about my experiences with programming, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Bitcoin, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Machine Learning, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Data Science, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Computer Aided Diagnosis, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with precision agriculture, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with image processing, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Arch Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Arch Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Arch Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Arch Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Arch Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Arch Linux, and maybe some tutorials. I'm also planning to write about my experiences with Linux, and maybe some tutorials.

It suggested me to write about Linux 10 times, and Arch Linux 9 times. I guess Copilot really likes Linux. (Copilot wrote that too)

You can find me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/lukebp_), [Github](

Who is Luke? I don’t know, but Copilot seems to know him.